Friday, August 7, 2009

Gym Closed :-( and this week's summary

Happy Friday,

I was all set to get in a work out with weights yesterday only to find out that the Gym was closed for Thursday and Friday. That also complicates my ride for today, but that problem was solved with a lunch-time meeting. My back up was to do a long commute this morning, but little mr. E decided to have a rough morning so I didn't get out of the house in time.

Now I'm trying to figure out a way to get in a run around 1 or 2 today. It'll be a little hot but most of the trails are shaded. I'll have to shower in one of our other buildings with the Gym being closed.

Looking forward to a good ride on Sunday!

Since I won't be riding today, I can post the weeks wrap-up on riding and fund raising for cancer research.

Only got to ride twice this week, but with the big ride on Sunday I still got in 74 miles total. This week's goal is 100 miles total.

The funds continued to come in for the Jimmy V foundation this week. As of this morning I'm at 84% of goal!! Thanks to everyone who has donated and please continue to pass the word along.

- Dwight.

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